A recent report by the World Health Organization' International Agency Research on Cancer, IARC, found that asbestos is responsible for more forms of cancer than mesothelioma and lung cancer. Their findings, published in The Lancet, a leading British medical journal, state that there is now sufficient evidence to establish that asbestos can cause cancers of the larynx, and ovarian cancer.
Because these cancers, especially mesothelioma and ovarian cancer, are frequently not diagnosed until they are fairly advanced, time is of the essence. If you or a loved one has received a diagnosis of mesothelioma, lung cancer, ovarian cancer or cancer of the larynx, and you have a history of workplace exposure to asbestos products, and you believe that your cancer developed as a result of workplace exposure, you may have a legal claim against the corporation that permitted the exposure, or the manufacturer of the asbestos product. To learn more about your rights, you should consult as soon as possible with a lawyer who specializes in asbestos cases.
read also Five Illnesses Commonly Associated With Asbestos ExposureA population of women in the United Kingdom exposed to asbestos when they worked manufacturing gas masks during World War II were found to have increased occurrences of ovarian cancer. Researchers have demonstrated that asbestos fibers accumulated in the ovaries of women who are exposed to asbestos. Any exposure to asbestos was found to increase the risk of developing cancer of the larynx. High exposure increased the risk even more.
read also Get Help for a Mesothelioma Legal Case Right NowFor more than a century, asbestos has been used in a wide variety of industrial applications such as insulation for boilers and pipes, both in homes and schools, and in factories, power plants, steel mills and other industrial settings. Hospitals were not exempt; many hospitals have been found to have asbestos fibers in floor tiles and coverings, and insulation for water and sewage pipes. Building contractors used for sound-proofing, heat proofing, fire prevention materials, and materials that protect from condensation. It has been used to add strength to cement building materials, and as insulation for brakes and clutches, sprayed fire-proofing products, gas masks, lifts and machinery. Even home appliances are not safe. Toasters, irons and other appliances that heat up have relied on asbestos for insulation insulation.
read also 10 Things You Need to Know About AsbestosisThe means by which asbestos fibers cause cancers to develop is complex, involving interactions between the mineral fibres and vulnerable cells in the affected organs. The crystalline asbestos fibers are very long-lived; once they lodge in human tissues, they may stay there for decades. Their reactivity to cells, their size, especially their surface area, and their surface chemistry all contribute to their potential to cause harm.
read also The Sumner Simpson Papers - Secret Information That the Asbestos Industry Didn't Want You to KnowWorldwide, more than 125 million people continue to be exposed to asbestos in the workplace. In addition, sources of asbestos such as fibers from brake linings and deterioration of building materials that contain asbestos contribute to increased exposure in the environment.
read also Personal Care and Mesothelioma LawsuitAlthough the association between asbestos exposure and colorectal cancer is not confirmed at this time, the IARC reviewers noted a growing body of evidence that links exposure to this cancer as well.
Because these cancers, especially mesothelioma and ovarian cancer, are frequently not diagnosed until they are fairly advanced, time is of the essence. If you or a loved one has received a diagnosis of mesothelioma, lung cancer, ovarian cancer or cancer of the larynx, and you have a history of workplace exposure to asbestos products, and you believe that your cancer developed as a result of workplace exposure, you may have a legal claim against the corporation that permitted the exposure, or the manufacturer of the asbestos product. To learn more about your rights, you should consult as soon as possible with a lawyer who specializes in asbestos cases.